Wendy Nunn - Clinical Psychologist

Psychotherapy is part of mental health and therefore an essential service.
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Online Psychotherapy Approved !!

The coronavirus crisis and the restrictive measures that many countries are taking to contain the outbreak can have a negative impact on people's mental health and well-being, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.

"Isolation, physical distancing, the closure of schools and workplaces are challenges that affect us, and it is natural to feel stress, anxiety, fear and loneliness at this time," the director of the European branch of the WHO, Hans Kluge, said on Thursday (26 March).

As more and more people are obliged to remain in home quarantine or isolation with possible or proven coronavirus infection, experts agree that it is important to consider the effects of this pandemic on the mental health of people - while providing psychological support for the general public.

The European Federation of Psychologists Association believes that online consultations, particularly via video chat, can provide a feasible alternative to deliver psychological care and therapy during this pandemic.

The Health Professionals Council of South Africa (HPCSA) has approved online psychotherapy (Telepsychology) and online therapy has been approved by all medical aids, even for first time patients.


Clinical Psychologist Port Elizabeth

Located in Sherlock Street, Richmond Hill Port Elizabeth. Wendy Nunn is a Clinical Psychologist registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. She has been practising in Port Elizabeth since 1987 after completing her studies at Rhodes University.

Her areas of expertise include adult and adolescent psychotherapy, couples counselling and play therapy. She also has extensive experience in Custody Evaluations, having worked at the Port Elizabeth Family Advocates Office as a consultant for more than 15 years. Wendy also acts as an expert witness in Medico-legal and Forensic Evaluations.



Psychology Practice Areas

In psychoanalytic psychotherapy there is less emphasis on advising people on how to better manage their lives and relationships, but instead there is a greater emphasis on seeking understanding for why people do what they do and experience the negative feelings that sometimes go with poorly adapted behaviour.

This is a flexible and non-prescriptive approach and by working with a client’s distressing life situations and exploring and understanding the client’s early history there is insight into where they became stuck in their psychological development.

This enables the client to make decisions and choices which weren’t possible before.

This is an empowering experience when the client comes to realise that there are reasons for their behaviour and emotions, and knowing the reason, they are better able to deal with their issues.

Many of life’s problems centre on difficulties with interpersonal relationships.  These can create feelings of emptiness, despair, anxiety or depression and also addictive behaviour or even suicidal thoughts.

There is a sense of not knowing who I really am, and I feel hopeless and out of control of my life.

Psychoanalytic psychotherapy enables clients to gain a deeper understanding of who they are, and how early interaction patterns with significant people are often unconsciously repeated in the present.

Once a client is able to understand how past relationships unconsciously affect the way they view themselves and others, there is growth and change and their lives are enriched as they live more fully and effectively.

There is renewed hope that there will be improved relationships with the self and others, deeper self-knowledge and insight, all of which aims to bring about behavioural change and symptom relief and to create meaning when life previously seemed barren and empty.

I have a long association as a consultant psychologist with the Offices of the Family Advocate in Port Elizabeth, Graaff-Reinet and East London.

My work centres mainly on custody and contact evaluations, or rather, primary residence and contact as it is known in the new Children’s Act, as well as helping couples draw up a Parenting Plan.

Disputes regarding which parent should have primary residence of the minor children and what type of contact the absent parent should have, are major areas of concern for parents as they start the process of divorce.

Some of these issues may be dealt with through the process of mediation by the Family Advocate, but it is often the case that an in-depth psychological evaluation is needed for the Family Advocate to make a fully informed recommendation to court.

An evaluation of this nature always focuses on the best interests of the children, which involves extensive interviews with the parents, often including personality testing.

The children are also sensitively interviewed and assessed and my approach always includes an observation of the interaction between the child or children and each parent.

Collateral sources are also consulted.

It is important to stress that whatever recommendations are made, each of the parties always has a final recourse to the courts.

As an adolescent therapist, I've observed the positive response to the informal sandplay assessment method. Adolescents construct sandtray worlds rich in symbolism, showcasing their creativity and ability to let go.

Through discussions about their sandtray creations, we analyze elements and connect them to their challenges. This non-judgmental approach forms the foundation of therapy and serves as a symbolic reference throughout.

To deepen the assessment, I incorporate personality questionnaires, providing scored profiles for discussion with adolescents and parents.

Identity formation is a primary focus, addressing issues such as anxiety, depression, and academic or social insecurities. These profiles aid in understanding adolescents' true selves and guide our therapeutic interventions, fostering growth and healing.

Assessments for child therapy provide information on what issues the child is struggling with and how best to focus on those areas.  

I use the sand play assessment as a child-friendly and effective tool.

I invite the child to create "My World" in a sandtray using miniature toys, allowing them to communicate their inner and outer experiences.

Together, we explore the elements of their creation, discussing emotions and the thoughts and actions of the people or animals involved.

By taking a photograph of the child and their world, I gain insights into their interpretations and reactions to events and emotions.

This assessment serves as a starting point for therapy, guiding interventions and promoting healing and growth in a safe and engaging manner.

Couples therapy is a specialized form of therapy that addresses conflicts and promotes growth within relationships. It recognizes that conflict is a natural part of any relationship and can provide opportunities for personal and relational development.

The goal of couples therapy is to increase insight into the unconscious motives that influence the nature of personal relationships. It explores hidden dynamics and unresolved issues, often stemming from childhood experiences, that impact the relationship. By uncovering these underlying factors, couples gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their partners, leading to more effective ways of relating.

Through couples therapy, partners learn to develop clear communication channels and value each other's needs and wishes. They acquire new tools and techniques for conflict resolution, problem-solving, and enhancing intimacy. Couples therapy strengthens the emotional bond by creating a safe space for vulnerability, empathy, and rebuilding trust.

Individual growth and self-awareness are integral aspects of couples therapy. It encourages self-reflection and addresses personal issues or emotional wounds that may affect the relationship. By nurturing personal growth, couples lay a stronger foundation for their partnership.

Couples therapy isn't limited to troubled relationships; it can benefit couples in the premarital stage as well. Premarital counselling focuses on building a strong foundation, addressing potential conflicts, and developing healthy relationship skills.

The duration and frequency of couples therapy vary based on the couple's needs. Sessions typically occur once a week or every two weeks, with the therapy process lasting from a few sessions to several months.

Overall, couples therapy is a collaborative process that requires active participation, openness, and commitment from both partners. It aims to strengthen the relationship, foster personal growth, and create a fulfilling partnership based on understanding, empathy, and effective communication. By navigating conflicts and developing healthy relationship skills, couples can cultivate a healthier and more satisfying relationship.




Couples therapy with a Port Elizabeth psychologist

Couples come for therapy for many different reasons, ranging from being on the brink of divorce to a need for mutual growth during a specific phase of marital life.  

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Posted by Wendy Nunn on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 Views: 5229


A psychologist approach to therapy - The Inner Healer

I think most psychologists in Port Elizabeth try to follow this teaching and it is something that I cherish in my therapy with even the most broken people. 

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Posted by Wendy Nunn on Thursday, August 31, 2017 Views: 3369


Psychologist Contact Details

082 457 7254
041 585 2769

[email protected]

40 Sherlock Road
Richmond Hill
Port Elizabeth, 6001

Practice Number: 8612153